Lake City FL: There may be red light cameras in its future. Cost to City $4,700 per month per camera
Posted September 18, 2012 04:30 pm
LAKE CITY, FL – Angie Langley, Senior Business Development Executive of American Traffic Solutions (ATS) from Arizona came to City Hall last night to introduce ATS, a company that claims to be the largest red-light camera company in America. Ms. Langley introduced another Business Development Executive, read account manager, Brent Edwards, who presented a power point presentation and answered questions. Mr. Edwards, throughout his 48 slide presentation, spoke very little about the money, concentrating mainly on the technology and on safety.
Links to other Lake City red light
camera articles:
• City Manager calls red light camera: high volume
traffic light vehicle activity monitoring system
The Collision Over Traffic Cameras: time for some
straight talk...
Mr. Edwards told the Council that ATS is all about safety and there has been a great reduction in crashes at intersections in which the cameras are used. Mr. Edwards said that ATS's latest camera defeats "every time" the advertised devices which claim to make it impossible to photograph your license plate.
ATS account manager, Brent Edwards addresses the City
After an ATS camera photographs your car the image is sent to Arizona where it has to meet "the criteria that the city sets," explained Mr. Edwards.
Then the Lake City Police Department looks at the image and decides if the owner of the vehicle is going to get a notice of violation.
If the owner pays the violation, $158, it goes away. If they don't, it is handed over to the police and it turns into a citation. If you don't pay that your license is suspended.
ATS's Edwards recommended a warning campaign, similar to a 30 cease fire, where there would only warnings issued before the system phased in.
How much does ATS make?
ATS's Edwards, who avoided stating how much the fee was for most of his presentation, gave the answer to Councilman Hill: $4,700 a month per camera.
ATS is suggesting 12 cameras to start. This makes the City's fee $54,400 per month or $676,000 per year, or 9013 traffic tickets a year to pay the fee. The City's take is $75 per ticket. That is where the City gets the money to pay the fee. After paying the fee, the City gets to keep the rest.
What if your kid is in your car?
According to Mr. Edwards, the camera does not see inside the vehicle. Your kid causes the camera to photograph a violation, the owner receives the violation.
If the owner doesn't want to pay for the violation, he or she will have to turn in their kid. This may not make for happy family relations.
Can the City get out of the contract?
Councilman Ward asked if the City can get out of the contract. Mr. Edwards answered, "Absolutely not."
City Manager Wendell Johnson told the Council, "Our goal is safety."
As the ATS presentation was wrapping up, the Observer asked Chief Gilmore if instead of spending the money on cameras, the LCPD could spend the money on police overtime.
The Chief said they weren't that far into the process.
The City Council is thinking.