
Stew Lilker’s

Columbia County Observer

Real news from Florida for working families since 2007

County News

Tax Collector Kyle Keen Extends November 4% Tax Discount Payment Deadline to Friday, December 6

Photo of Columbia County Annex with Headline: Tax Collector Kyle Keen Extends November 4% Tax Discount Payment Deadline to Friday, December 6.

COLUMBIA COUNTY, FL – At 10 am today, Tax Collector Kyle Keen extended the 4% November tax payment discount to Friday, December 6.

Tax Collector Keen told the Observer that while he previously extended the discount to Tuesday, December 2, only some people knew about it through social media.

Tax Collector Keen said that due to the holiday rush, the notice never made it to the Tax Collector website.

Mr. Keen said, "The Tax Collector's Office wants to treat everyone fairly. We are extending the 4% November discount through Friday, December 6, so that everyone has a chance to take advantage of the discount."

For those who paid their taxes on December 3 and December 4 and paid an extra one percent, Mr. Keen said, "If they contact us and ask for a refund, we will honor it."

The Columbia County Tax Collector's Office can be found here.

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