
Stew Lilker’s

Columbia County Observer

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Letter to the Editor

Olustee Monument: I'm disappointed in "tit for tat". Enough is enough

Photo: Survivors at dedication

I am disappointed to discover that the Florida State Parks department, as custodian of the Olustee Park, has ceded to a politically correct “tit for tat” “fair is fair” attitude in approving a “Special” monument to Federal forces in front of the State monument there.

First, their facts are wrong when they say there are no monuments to the Union.  The State of Florida built a monument there more than a 100 years ago in a spirit of unification – observing the battle and recognizing BOTH SIDES.  The brief text shows no bias to either side.  Both a US and a CS flag fly in front of the monument.

But it appears the Park Service feels it is ok to populate the park with special monuments.  If this one is allowed, how many more ‘special’ monuments will be approved?

I say, let the spirits of the fallen rest, and let it continue to be a place of peace, not littered with multiple monuments.  Besides, there is already a special Federal monument at the cemetery.

I say enough is enough.  

A Concerned Citizen for Preservation of the Park
Lunelle Siegel
Temple Terrace, FL

Comments  (to add a comment go here)

On September 19, 2013, Nancy S. wrote:

I too have an ancestor that fought in the Battle of Olustee, and I can't believe anyone is thinking of dredging up old wounds.  It is disrespectful and insensitive.  The park should be left alone.


On September 19, 2013, Faith V. wrote:

I recently heard about the pending decision by the Park Service to place a 10' high memorial to Union soldiers in close proximity to Confederate monuments placed approximately a century ago, in the Olustee Battlefield area.  Why now?

I thought state and federal budgets were already stretched to the breaking point.  Any war is an atrocity, but THIS war in OUR country was perhaps one of the greatest shames of all.  For those who totally blame the "other" side, let's realize that both sides still argue the issues.

Since the last Presidential election, several states considered the issue of secession.  From the very beginnings of our country, the problems of unequal treatment of individuals because of gender, ethnicity, or religion went unresolved.  The very settlement and expansion of the US happened because of disputes between different groups.  The Europeans forced the Native Americans aside resulting in the Indian Wars and the Trail of Tears.  Brother fought brother during the War Between the States.  New York City tried to solve its immigrant crush from the mid-1800's until the 1930's by sending thousands of children west on the Orphan Trains.  Women were thrown in jail for trying to get the right to vote. And, thousands of innocent people have given their lives during protests regarding injustice across the past five centuries.

I think the backers of a proposed monument to the Union soldiers should find another site or another cause for their efforts. While you might focus on the behavior of Southerners, you failed to mention Sherman's March to the Sea or the citizens of small towns in Georgia who were put in prison as "political prisoners".

We have enough problems to solve in our country TODAY without dredging the poisoned mud of the past.  Let the dead rest.  Calling names and blaming those long gone doesn't bring any peace nor resolve the issues still at hand. 


On September 18, 2013, Burt of Alabama wrote:

Hi, my comment pertains to the proposal to build a new Union specific monument at Olustee Battlefield.  Until recently I lived in Jacksonville and have attended more than a dozen of the reenactments there, which are some of the best I have seen anywhere.  I have visited the majority of the major battlefield parks across the country, and have noted in practically all of them a preponderance of Union monuments.  In fact, in terms of objectively looking at these parks, one would get the idea that there were practically no Confederates in action, so it looks totally unbalanced insofar as the park presenting a fair and balanced account of what happened there.  Further, it seems a little audacious that a Union monument would be raised there, particularly since the Union got their behinds handed to them, in one of the last battles of the war.  I think it would be an affront to the people of the South that a Union-specific monument be raised at a place where they were whipped.  I, as a descendent of Confederate ancestors, would look upon this proposed Union monument as yet another attempt to  overwrite the history of what happened.  Perhaps the people of the South should place a bronze plaque at Ford's theater to celebrate the assassination of the man who is singly responsible for all the deaths that occurred between 1860 and 1865.  How about that as a valid commemoration? 


On September 18, 2013, William wrote:

I agree that the existing monument is more then appropriate.  I disagree with those who would insist on another,  especially a Union one!  Look to our other battlefields.  Union monuments are all too previlant!  Way too many!


On September 18, 2013, John Stones wrote:

No new monuments are needed at the Olustee Battlefield!  All who fought there are already remembered through a monument.  In our day and age to begin placing "specialized" monuments would open the door to every special interest group that might want to make a statement.  Allow this hallowed ground to remain just that, halloed ground for those that gave their lives here!


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