
Stew Lilker’s

Columbia County Observer

Real news for working families.

Columbia County News

Florida Crown Soars
$402,000 Wings Grant Awarded

Florida Crown Workforce Board (FCWB), one of the top performing workforce boards in Florida, has been awarded a $402,000 Wings Grant. This grant, funded through ARRA will help move the rural North Florida counties of region seven into the 21st century.

“WINGS – Workforce Innovative New Generation Solutions”

The grant application (pg. 18 has specific details) was shepherded  through the grant process under the able leadership of FCWB executive director, retired Air Force Colonel, “JC” John Chastain, region seven Consortium Chairwoman, Gilcrest County Commissioner, Sharon Langford, FCWB  Chairman, Larry Thompson and the dedicated staff of the FCWB region seven.

Executive Director Chastain told the Observer, “This is a very important grant for the entire region. Working together with our partners at LCCC, Banner, the University of North Florida and New Horizons is a prime reason we were awarded this grant.”

Com Langford, speaking for the Consortium said, “We are pleased to support the WINGS initiative which addresses Green Jobs, Rural Needs (Broadband) and Business Incubation/Entrepreneurship. We are excited to participate in this innovative program. Transforming Florida into a green economy, the use of broadband to aid the rural communities that have traditionally been disadvantaged and underserved, as well as strengthening business entrepreneurial services are important steps for strengthening the workforce of our rural region.

Dr. Chuck Hall, President of Lake City Community College said in his letter of support for the grant, “Florida Crown has a proven track record of administering grants which have enhanced the education, training and quality of life for the businesses and residents of this region. We strongly recommend funding of the Florida Crown Workforce Board WINGS grant proposal.

FCWB region seven represents the following north Florida counties: Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, and Union.

The Consortium members represent their respective counties in the region.

• While Columbia County, under the leadership of Commissioners DuPree and Bailey, voluntarily withdrew from the Consortium, this did not leave the residents and business of Columbia County without representation, as the interests of Columbia County, its residents and its businesses are being addressed by the members of the rest of the region. Additionally, representatives of Columbia County business continue to be appointed and sit on the FCWB. -- ed •

Florida Crown Affair:

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