
Stew Lilker’s

Columbia County Observer

Real news for working families.  An online newspaper

Letter to the Editor

Fairy Tales in Columbia County? A land give away? Nope, just business as usual. 

A taxing authority, flush with taxpayer dollars, buys property with the people's money then years later decides to give away that property. A fairy tale – perhaps? Nope. Sadly, business as usual in Columbia County.

We continue to pay for the poor choices being made by those in power. "Government in the Sunshine" is a wonderful concept, a catchy phrase indeed, albeit in limited practice in our local government entities.

 Whether it's the Lake Shore Hospital Authority suggesting that we now give away property that was purchased with taxpayer dollars, without so much as an apology for gambling with our money, or that same Authority eliminating the people's right to speak out at its public meetings, the arrogance continues unabated.

At least the County's residents can blame the Governor. He appoints the Hospital Authority Board of Columbia County citizens that squander the people's money.

Of course there is more. This is Columbia County. Make room Boston, we have our own Big Dig.

The Columbia County Board of County Commissioners is now trying to resolve a crisis that it created. The Bascom-Norris bypass is a six million dollar road project that exploded into something that will cost well over 20 million by the time it's complete.

While our local print paper only states what the final phase will cost, over 6 million, nowhere will you ever see the total cost.

Now, the same Commission that promised the project would be completed in 2010, states that an east-west road needs to be added to the project to avoid major traffic problems at the Wal-Mart intersection at highway 90. The Commission speaks of using eminent domain to overcome the latest self-inflicted wound.

Who could have seen this coming? Us. We the people should have seen it coming. When will we learn that those in power often promise much, but deliver little?

The Commission spends our money as they see fit. Want to make a comment before they spend it? Not in Columbia County. 

We keep putting the same people in office; make the same choices; and somehow expect a different outcome. Einstein thought doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome was the definition of insanity. 

Stop the madness. Your ballot is your power. 

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