
Stew Lilker’s

Columbia County Observer

Real news for working families.

Lake City News

Lake City Report - Jan 21, 2011
City water studying going hi tech

From City Manager Wendell Johnson

Infrastructure Efficiency Study

The City Staff is formulating a process to evaluate efficiency of the City’s Water Distribution and Metering System. The objective is to complete a detailed study (Investment Grade Analysis) of potential cost reducing strategies, along with operational and equipment efficiency improvement to all water system facilities and infrastructures.

The study will culminate in a report which will provide recommendations addressing the following Business Improvement Measures (BIMs):

BIM 1.   Meter Measuring Accuracy Improvements through large scale water meter change-out.   Move system to magnetic metering.

BIM 2.  Implement Automated Meter Reading System, which will provide readings from a central location (customer service department) and allow automated turn on/turn off of utility services with the Customer Service Department

BIM 3.   Implement Water Distribution Leak Detection System.

The Completed Study will provide the following information for consideration in construction project development:

  • A list of the specific improvements and operational efficiency measures proposed for installation.
  • A list and description of specific billable water usage and meter accuracy improvement measures.
  • A description of the methodology used to project billable usage increases.
  • A complete description of the operating and maintenance procedures that can reduce operating costs of the system.
  • A projection of the operating costs that will be saved.
  • An estimate of the improved system efficiency gain and resulting increased revenue projections resulting from the equipment and procedures recommended in the report.
  • A detailed project construction and implementation schedule.
  • Explanation of measurement and verification procedures used to determine billable consumption increases associated with the written performance assurance
  • A comprehensive plan for ongoing support services, education and training for staff and consumers.
  • Implementation costs.
  • Financial impact projections which indicate no requirement of capital dollars from the City in order to implement improvements. 

The City Staff Report is available in pdf format here.

This work by the Columbia County Observer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

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City Staff Report
 • Week ending Jan 21, 2011


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